Saturday, September 18, 2010

Romance and Love

Alright, I sorta only made this round to give Twilight a chance at winning something.
I know I'll regret it though.
Anyway, back to the topic of this post: Romance.
Otherwise known as some form of Love.

In Twilight... Let me count for a second...
There are many, many, many teen romances going on.
Some shallow, some are somewhat deep.
I guess that's okay, but personally, I do not like how Stephenie doesn't explain why all the partnerships work.
But at least she explained imprinting, so it's not that big of a deal for me right now.

So, so far we've established that Twilight has a lot of romance going on.
In fact, one could say that romance is basically the theme of the novels.
Every action is based on what Twihards call true love.
But is it true love?
Well, it sort of is when it comes to Jacob and Bella...
But not really.
What about Bella and Edward?
Meyer desperately tries to make it look like it, and the Twilight fans buy it, but if you put some logic to your thinking, you'll find out that true love is not the case.
Maybe a possible obsessive behaviour?
I don't know.
Really, I don't.
Obsession could be a possiblity, seeing as Bella appears to only like Edward because of his 'Greek God' appearances.
And Edward could only be 'loving' Bella because she smells nice?
Again, I do not know.

But think about how many times in the Saga Meyer continuously uses phrases such as 'Edward's perfect face'.
Doesn't it get just a little bit tiring/annoying?
It sure is to me.

Now moving on to Harry Potter.
I'll admit that Twilight has more romance than Harry Potter, but Harry Potter has a quality of romance that's just so captivating.
You have interesting couples, and Rowling actually explains the reasoning behind them in a clever way.
Twilight's couples are too perfect, and almost Mary Sue like, when Harry Potter couples are just plain odd sometimes.
Like Ron and Hermione.
But it works at the same time!
And you can plainly see that the love going on in the Harry Potter books are not shallow most of the time.
And if they are, it's because Rowling's characters are meant to be shallow in some form or the other.

Ah, tough love...


  1. this is also my opinion but i think wat Steph. Meyer was trying to portray is, Bella and Edward love each other so deeply you cant even explain it with words. this concept is actually very popular cause i saw it once on TV =D

  2. Well, maybe she could have mentioned that?

  3. haha ya i guess she just wanted us to really think about her books....

  4. How can you criticise Harry Potter when you write a book just like it? ("Crayons", if you've forgotten) I'm not trying to be offensive but really? You used the term "Gorgeous face", and that seems WAY to much like Twilight. Hmm...

  5. I never criticized Harry Potter, moron.

  6. i think he/she meant to say twilight but im not sure. ALSO J.K. Rowling may be facing a plagiarism trial after a british judge refused to dismiss a plagiarism lawsuit against the author (this is recent btw).

  7. Yes, I DID mean Twilight. Hmph.
